Numly Joins NVIDIA Inception Program

In the News

October 29, 2020

Numly™ CEO Gives His Input as Part Of Forbes Dynamic Expert Panel On ‘The 12 Steps To Take When You’re Thinking About A Career Change’


Madhukar talks about finding a support network that will guide employees toward growth opportunities within other groups. This network can guide on career journeys and potentially refer to hiring managers as well.

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October 29, 2020

Numly™ Founder & CEO, Madhukar Govindaraju Provides his Views as an Part of the Dynamic Expert Panel on Forbes’ Ensuring Security In A Remote Work Environment


Madhukar says “Companies should mandate training for all employees on data security practices.”

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August 12, 2020

The Art and Science of Building A Coaching Culture

Indica News

VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity have grasped the world in its claws. As turbulence, high-velocity markets, and hyper-competition – the by-products of VUCA surround us, organizations globally are trying to increase their capacity to manage the challenges and stay on the path to profitability.

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June 27, 2020

Forbes Article by Numly CEO – The Role Of AI And People Analytics In Developing The Leaders Of Tomorrow


Madhukar Govindaraju, Founder and CEO of Numly, talks about leveraging ML/AI to measurably improve employee performance and engagement.

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April 8, 2020

Numly – AI & Advance Data Enhanced Technology Makes Work From Home Easy


Madhukar Govindaraju, Founder and CEO of NumlyTM, says that the team at Numly™ has successfully developed a game-changing innovation, by applying Advanced Data Science and AI to drive employee engagement in medium and large enterprises, and to accelerate professional and business growth through the cultivation of soft skills.

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April 2, 2020

Numly™ – AI & Advance Data Enhanced Technology Makes Work From Home Easy

Indica News

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic impacting everyone across the globe, companies are frantically scrambling to find ways to adjust to the new norm of Working from Home(WFH) and remote employees. But the toughest challenge, regardless of where your workforce works from, is to keep your employees engaged, motivated and happy.

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